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Loan Terms

The CRCD Loan Fund requires applicants to meet certain eligibility requirements

in order to be considered for a loan. These requirements include the following:

Business Type

Start‑up, Newly Established, and Growing Small Businesses in the Retail, Manufacturing, Food Service, and Automotive Sectors


Businesses must be located in an area bounded by Vermont Avenue on the West, Alameda/Long Beach Avenue on the east, Adams Boulevard to the north and Century Boulevard to the South.  There will also be a focus on the commercial corridors of Central Avenue, Main Street, Broadway, Vermont, Adams, Washington, Figueroa Street, and the manufacturing area known as the Goodyear Tract.

Other Qualifications

The business must have a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BRTC) for the City of Los Angeles

Get In Touch With Us To See If You Are Eligible 

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